Question 1

A volume of 8 liters of gas has a pressure of 50 kPa and a temp of 27oC.

a)    If the pressure were increased to 300 kPa without changing he temperature what would be the resulting volume?
b)    If the temperature was raised to 627o C while maintaining the original pressure, what would be the final volume?
c)     What would be the resulting volume if the temperature was raised to 627oC and the pressure increased to 300 kPa simultaneously?

Hint 1

If the temperature is constant, then pressure is inversely proportional to the volume ( Boyle's Law) that is P a 1/V or PV = constant

b)  If the pressure is kept constant, then volume is directly proportional to temperature (Charle's Law) that is V a T or V/T = constant

Answer 1

V1 = 8 liters

P1 = 50 kPa

T1 = 27o C = 300 K

If the temperature is constant, then pressure is inversely proportional to the volume ( Boyle's Law) that is P a 1/V or PV = constant

P1V1 = P2V2

P2 = 300 kPa

50 x 103 x 8 = 300 x 103 x V2

V2 = (50 x 103 x 8)/(300 x 103) = 1.33 liters

b)  If the pressure is kept constant, then volume is directly proportional to temperature (Charle's Law) that is V a T or V/T = constant

V1 / T1 = V2 / T2      T2 = 627o C = 900K

8 / 300 = V2 / 900

V2 = (900 x 8)/300 = 24 liters

c)  P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

Now T2 = 627oC = 900 K and P2 = 300 x 103 Pa

(50 x 103 x 8)/300 = (300 x 103 x V2)/900

V2 = (50 103 x 8 x 900)/(300 x 300 x 103) = 4 liters

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